Thursday, November 15, 2012

Geography Project LP5

Hello Parents,
This is a PREVIEW of the geography project that will be assigned for the next learning period (LP5). It's a great way for your child to start thinking about the state in which they would like to focus their state report on. Social studies packets will be emailed at the usual time at the end of the learning period. Thank you.

In anticipation of the upcoming STATE REPORT, students will select the state they plan to study for their state report. During this LP, they will construct a map of the state they will learn about in more detail after the Winter Break.
Students will construct a large (11x14 or larger) map of their selected state. This map will include labels showing the location of:
•    The state capitol 

•    Major geographical features 
•    All neighboring states 
•    the border with Mexico or Canada, if applicable 
•    The Pacific Coast, Atlantic Coast or Gulf of Mexico, if applicable 
•    3-5 major cities 
•    2-4 additional landmarks of interest 
•    Any National Parks
 •    At least 2 Major Interstate Highway Routes
 •    A Compass Rose with all 8 points (N, S, E, W, NW, etc .)
 •    Map Key or Legend, Title, and Date should also be included.

Also Included: Students should include two-three paragraphs explaining why they have chosen this state for their map and state report and anything they have found interesting about this state so far in their research. (Example: their ancestors are from there, they like the sports team, they would like to live there, etc.) Students may use a variety of materials. The work should be done by the student with the guidance from the parent.