Friday, March 14, 2014

Ranger Store

Dear Parents,
Throughout the year the students have been working hard to earn "Alvarado Dollars." Our classroom economy has been very successful, where credits and debits are made based on behavior and classroom expectations. Next Friday, the students will have the opportunity to participate in our Ranger Store. The students are able to sell and buy items, and hopefully will be able to see how a business economy works. We have had discussions about pricing items, competition, supply and demand, etc. Some of the guidelines I have given the students are:

1. Think about placing a limit about the amount of items a customer can purchase
2. Create a STORE sign
3. Price items
4. Do not bring items to school that have not been approved by your parent/guardian
5. If food is brought in, it must be store bought.
6. Have fun!

If you have any questions about our Ranger Store, please feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you parents and have a great day!
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Alvarado