Friday, May 16, 2014

Thank You

Dear Families,
I wanted to send out a heartfelt 'Thank You' for making this week so special. I appreciate all of the thoughtful gifts that were sent to me. It has been a wonderful year. I started Santa Rosa as a white track teacher. This year was my first year doing the 5-day a week program, and even after teaching for eight years, you still get the same nervousness you feel at the start of each school year. I have had the opportunity to get to know your children. It has been an honor to be their teacher as each day they bring me a ton of smiles and laughter. Everyday they surprise me in the best of ways. So as much as your children thank me for being their teacher, I have to thank them for consistently showing me that I probably have one of the greatest jobs in the world. I will truly miss each and every one of them as they move forward in their education. Thank you families! 
                               Warmest Regards,
                                     Mrs. Alvarado