Tuesday, September 23, 2014

GALA Basket

Hello Parents,
Our annual SRA Gala is approaching! This is our annual fundraiser that proves to be a lot of fun for everyone. The Gala will be held on Friday, October 17th. The Gala time and ticket prices can be found on the SRA website. Our classroom is putting together a fundraising basket with the theme "Family Fun Gift Cards." It has been through the generous donations of our parents that have helped make our basket auctions a success. If you would like to contribute to our classroom basket, we are looking for gift card donations of any denomination that have to do with a family fun night out. Examples are:

- Yogurt
- Movies
- Restaurants
- Mulligans
- Drop Zone
- Disney

- Anything creative that gets the family together!
All donations can be brought to class by October 3rd or delivered at conferences. Please attach the receipt and the amount of the gift card to the back the card.  If you have any questions in regards to the basket, you may also contact Mrs. Frazer (Please email me for contact info).  She is our contact mom for this very special event! I appreciate all of the generosity that you have given me all year and am grateful for the support. Thank you parents and please feel free to contact me with any questions. Take care!